eye witness report #1

church' perspective
to me as lgbt+


church found whilst taking pictures for practice assignment
eye witness report #2

lonely flower's perspective as we planted her between the trees


we planted this plant for one of our intervention assignments for the practice
link to video that accompanies this eye witness report:

my painting that accompanies this eye witness report:
link to poem video that accompanies this eye witness report:
intervention #1: planting the plant
quick & short interventions

with rowena <3
intervention #2: redecorating the uninspiring poster
intervention #4:
create sign that points people to the right entrance
intervention #5:
adding flowers to the eerie alley design
intervention #6:
filming in/around the wdka and translating/subtitling the objects
intervention #7:
recreating/replicating the dutch signs in the wdka in english and hanging them up
intervention #3:
sticking english subtitles in a "subtitle style" underneath the dutch wdka signs
intervention #8:
rather than literally translating the signs, we added stickynotes of critique and provoking messages regarding the signs. hopefully this will start a discussion and/or thoughts about the signs and the lack of care the wdka seems to have for the international students
eye witness report #3

a film script, written from rowena's perspective after an ethical listening exercise (theory). we've become great friends over the past month :)

the practical exercises were the quick interventions.

lightly inspired by the reading 'space, place and gender' by doreen massey.
motivation behind our chain of internationality/accessibility interventions: